Sunday, October 30, 2011


Happy Halloween to anybody and everybody reading this post!  I hope it's a wonderful one, filled with CANDY and BATS and BLOOD and CANDY BLOOD and CANDY BATS and all that hooplah.

First off, allow me to put this here, because "The Worst Witch" is the best/worst Halloween movie I've ever seen.

I'm sure Tim Curry has never been and never will be able to live this down. If I ever meet him, this is going to be the singular thing that I'm going to ask him about. Not "The Rocky Horror Picture show," not "Clue," not "It." Just "The Worst Witch."

If you get the opportunity, definitely watch this movie. It's hilarious

Go ahead, I'll wait while you do that.

Done with that? Good! Want more cool stuff to do on Halloween?

How about you READ UP ON SOME REALLY GOOD FOREIGN HORROR MOVIES AND WATCH THEM with your bros/wimmens? Check out my article on Speakeasy! /end shameless selfpromotion/

But seriously, after the crazy Halloween weekend festivities, what are your actual options for doing things on a Halloween that's on a MONDAY NIGHT? Particularly badass readers should post some ideas!

Also, after today, National Novel Writing Month starts, which I hear is a lot of fun from my fellow blogger, friend and general badass Blake Tan. I'm going to be attempting to do it, though I don't know how well my piss-poor work ethic is going to stand up against the harrows of writing 50,000 words in some sort of moderately coherent structure in a month. Expect plenty of (most likely whiny) updates to follow as I write, and HOPEFULLY some excerpts if I do actually get the time!

But for now, though, I hope you enjoy your Halloween, and get the ever-living SHIT SCARED OUT OF YOU. Because that's what Halloween is all about!


  1. celebrate Halloween on a weekday by watching internet porn and eating candy. Just like you celebrate every other weekday.
