BOOM. Right outta the gate! See what I did there? I opened up with insulting you, so that you feel like you have to read on to understand why I just called you a "brainless peon." (Spoiler alert: I did it to get your attention.)

I'm a huge gamer, I like writing and I love learning. I also love cats, and have a thing for girls who love cats. (Evanna Lynch, I'm lookin' at you.)
Up until now, I had always thought of blogging as a greedy, self-indulgent endeavor; to flaunt your writing as something that everybody should admire, to put utter importance in your own views of the world over the billions of others. I'm not entirely sure that it is not, as of yet.
But in order to become successful through writing -- in whatever field that may be -- I need to get used my writing being read, scrutinized, chewed up and spit out by all manner of people. And this blog is the best medium that I can think of for getting every kind of writing of mine out into the public sphere.
Therefore, you, my dear reader, can expect to see a messy cacophony of works on this site, most loosely being confined into the categories that I have up now.
I'd also like the reader to understand that I value people (read: MOST of them) highly and generally make it my number one priority to learn as much as I can about the people and world around me. =As such, please please PLEASE open up dialogue with me whenever you can--be it about my work or otherwise. Friend me on Facebook if you'd like or add me on Twitter if you're feeling particularly masochistic, or just comment on some of my posts. It'd make a world of difference for me!
I feel like I need a TL:DR due to the internette-ization(tm) of my life.
TL:DR--I need to do this. Read pls.
Normal reminder for normal adults reading this site: Yes, I use foul language. It is a part of our vernacular. If you can't even comprehend the idea of foul language being used in a a completely conversational or humorous context, then leave this site right now.
Up until now, I had always thought of blogging as a greedy, self-indulgent endeavor; to flaunt your writing as something that everybody should admire, to put utter importance in your own views of the world over the billions of others. I'm not entirely sure that it is not, as of yet.
But in order to become successful through writing -- in whatever field that may be -- I need to get used my writing being read, scrutinized, chewed up and spit out by all manner of people. And this blog is the best medium that I can think of for getting every kind of writing of mine out into the public sphere.
Therefore, you, my dear reader, can expect to see a messy cacophony of works on this site, most loosely being confined into the categories that I have up now.
I'd also like the reader to understand that I value people (read: MOST of them) highly and generally make it my number one priority to learn as much as I can about the people and world around me. =As such, please please PLEASE open up dialogue with me whenever you can--be it about my work or otherwise. Friend me on Facebook if you'd like or add me on Twitter if you're feeling particularly masochistic, or just comment on some of my posts. It'd make a world of difference for me!
I feel like I need a TL:DR due to the internette-ization(tm) of my life.
TL:DR--I need to do this. Read pls.
Normal reminder for normal adults reading this site: Yes, I use foul language. It is a part of our vernacular. If you can't even comprehend the idea of foul language being used in a a completely conversational or humorous context, then leave this site right now.