Monday, April 16, 2012

Saying goodbye to animal friends

This was prompted by the recent death of my 4-year-old cat Mischa. When we first got him, he was the tiniest kitten I've ever seen. We were afraid Pixie, the other much larger kitten we got at the same time as him, would kill him because of how rough she was when she played with him.

Fast-forward to around a year later, and Mischa was a globular house of a cat with a dangling belly that would not stop growing. He was about the size of two Pixies.

He was fat and grumpy and unenthusiastic about human contact, and I couldn't pick him up because he squealed like a little pig. His belly wobbled hilariously when he ran, and he snored louder than I do.

He was my little buddy, and I loved him.  
One of the few pictures I took specifically with him; it's an action shot cause he always RAN AWAY.
Let me start off by stating this: we are all animals. Regardless of what the entire breadth of human culture, art, religion and morality teaches us about ourselves, we are still animals.

While our brains have developed to accomplish and build things far beyond what the other living organisms on the planet are capable of, this does not make us any better than them.

Like everything else, our only scientific purpose is to ensure the survival of our species—despite what the aforementioned societal structures may say otherwise.

In a strict Darwinist sense then, why should we care about other creatures if they do not directly relate to our own survival?

Monday, April 9, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: composer Yanni to join rap group Brick Squad

Much-lauded composer Yanni announced some incredibly shocking news on Tuesday at an AP press conference: he would be leaving his prolific career behind in the pursuit of a “more active, enriching musical experience.”

In a subsequent personal interview with the NY Times, the aging artist divulged that not only was he quitting composing—he would be joining popular rap group 1017 Brick Squad.
Pictured above:  Yanni and Gucci have been firm friends
outside of the limelight of the media for many years.

This news comes after Yanni—famed for his tireless work in music composition and fund-raising—had just released his latest live album during a free PBS broadcast of the show, “Yanni Live at El Morro.”

“I was so incredibly tired of always writing these huge musical productions—it was like people only expected me to compose music without showing off any of my obvious lyrical and instrumental talents,” Yanni said in the interview.

“You can always see me playing the air guitar and air piano and such... and being visibly affected by my music in front of the crowd. I just wanted people to know that I can perform—but it never got any appreciation.”

On the other hand, Brick Squad has steadily increased in popularity since its conception in 2008, recently picking up members Fatal and Creation after the tragic murder of Slim Dunkin while in his studio recording music last year.