Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The joy of flight.

I finally finished The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword recently after a whole month of time in which all I wanted to do was play it; alas, though, life occurs and even my favorite videogame series must wait in its wake.

Now, after spending a good 40-50 hours in the game, I think I'm finally ready to talk about not only it, but the Zelda franchise in general.  I'm going to try to keep this relatively short, because I know I could talk for ages about something that's so close and personal to me.

Yes, the Zelda series is a very important thing to me.  Yes, they are a bunch of video games that follow similar archetypal storylines that have been repeated since the dawn of man. 

In that vein, though, "The Canterbury Tales" is just a collection of stories.  "Citizen Kane" is just a movie.  Shubert's pieces were just music.